Impact Table Podcast

Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Staying True to Your Values, the Power of Paying it Forward, and Prioritizing Wellbeing

In this week's episode of the Impact Table Podcast, we are sharing more of our favorite moments from the first half of 2024.

This week, you'll hear from three incredible women in impact: Lauren McCann, Founder and CEO of Procure Impact, on authenticity and building an impact business, raising capital, and building teams by staying true to your core values, Gretchen Villegas, Impact Table Founding Member and C-Suite Executive, on the power of mentorship and paying it forward, and Betty LaMarr, Founder of EmpowerHer Institute on the prioritizing wellbeing to lead for impact.

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Creating Psychological Safety, Walking the Path, and Creating Cultures of Service

In this week's episode of the Impact Table Podcast, we are sharing more of our favorite moments from the first half of 2024.

This week, you'll hear from three Impact Table Founding Members: Lisa Friscia on the importance of creating and having psychological safety, Angela Parker on disorienting dilemmas, choosing new paradigms, and what it takes to walk your unique path in a way that others want to join you, and Sarah Middleton on creating cultures of service.

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Authenticity, Kindness, Empathy, Navigating Involuntary Exists and More of Our Favorite Moments From the First Half of 2024 - Part 1

In this episode of the Impact Table Podcast we are sharing some of our favorite moments from the first half of 2024.  

You'll hear from podcast host and Creator of the Impact Table Marssie sharing some of the experiences that were foundational to her inspiration for starting the Impact Table, and guests Mindy Barenblat on authenticity, how to know you're out of balance, and the power of turquoise time, Maureen Sedonan, CEO of Habitat for Humanity Greater Bay Area on leading with kindness, empathy, and higher level values and Robin Merle navigating involuntary exits.   

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Visionary Speaker Session Playback with Katie McCleary on Tenacity, Intention, Love and Healing Your Money Story

This week's episode is a playback of one of our most powerful Visionary Speaker Sessions yet with special guest and Impact Table Member, Katie McCleary who is a vivacious champion of creatives, entrepreneurs, and leaders who actively pursue their vision to improve people’s lives - and incredible human.

In this talk, Katie gets real and shares with deep vulnerability and powerful strength about her own journey and what it means to show up with tenacity, intention, and love - in life and specifically around tough topics - including one of my favorites, that I don’t think we talk about nearly enough, ESPECIALLY in the social impact space- that tough topic of money.

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Baily Hancock, Professional Friend Maker on Connection and Community

A natural-born connector and extracurricular enthusiast, Baily has spent her life curating community and nurturing her network, priding herself on being only a degree or two of separation from just about anyone (including Kevin Bacon). Throughout the past decade, she's taught hundreds of entrepreneurs and social impact leaders how to connect and collaborate with others to amplify their message, attract their ideal clients, and increase their impact in the world.

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Let It Be Easy

We know that women in social impact, already affected by the gender pay gap, are often further burdened by the lack of nonprofit organizations or purpose-driven departments to offer equal or competitive pay or benefits, a lack of leadership and professional development, under-resourced teams and organizations, regularly reported feelings of isolation and overwhelm, high emotional investment and demands in this work (especially in roles in direct service), and largely recognized inequalities in the home, with women taking on most household and caregiving responsibilities.

But, despite these very real challenges, what if we could let it be easy?

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Balancing Leadership Excellence and Personal Well-Being with Betty LaMarr

This week we’re sharing a playback of a recent Impact Table Visionary Speaker Session with Betty LaMarr, Founder of EmpowHer Institute. We hear from Betty who shares about her experience transitioning from a successful corporate career to launching and growing EmpowHer Institute - an organization designed to help improve the lives of women and girls and eradicate systemic barriers girls from marginalized communities face.

In this episode, we dive deep into the topic of balancing leadership excellence and personal well-being in social impact business.

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Building a Powerful Network: Your Step-by-Step Game Plan

In this week’s episode, host Marssie Versola talks about the importance of building your personal and professional network.  She shares her own experience coming up as an emerging leader learning "how to network" and the many incredibly awkward situations she endured until she realized networking can really just be about fostering relationships and friendships that are mutually supportive professionally and personally. 

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

A Global Development Journey of Elevating Others with Impact Table Member Gretchen Villegas

In gh this candid conversation, Impact Table member Gretchen Villegas reflects on her transformational experiences, starting from her time in the Peace Corps to her leadership roles spanning over 16 years across various countries in Africa and Central America. She shares profound insights into the essence of global development, emphasizing the importance of partnerships, community engagement, and aligning values across sectors for sustainable impact.

Gretchen's narrative beautifully illustrates the power of mentorship, resilience, and celebrating milestones along the way. She shares heartwarming anecdotes of empowering women like Amenye in Malawi and Josephine in Uganda, highlighting the ripple effect of investing in individuals and communities.

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

In this episode, Impact Table Podcast host and Impact Table Creator Marssie shares about her recent two-week road trip from California to Texas and the similarities she found in the epic journey to see the syzygy (that's a fancy scientific word for "total eclipse") and the journey we all forge as leaders in social impact.

From making the decision to get out of your comfort zone to getting the buy-in of those going with you, having a roadmap and a plan, navigating the nuances between fear and discomfort, believing in what's possible, and more... Marssie shares about the adventure and the learnings we can all use in our journey as mission-driven women leaders.

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Why Not Bet on Yourself with Lauren McCann

This week we’re sharing another playback of a recent Impact Table Visionary Speaker Session with Lauren McCann, Founder and CEO of Procure Impact who is in conversation with Heather Sheldon, Impact Table’s Director of Growth. Lauren’s passion and compassion for creating an equitable world and using business as a force for good is palpable. And her humility and courage to lead with heart and live to the point of tears daily is something we can all celebrate.

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Your Personal Quarterly Review: 5 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself

As we wrap up Q1, it’s all too easy to keep pushing forward full steam ahead without taking the time to celebrate or to pause and recalibrate.  We’re all used to performance management as an employee, a manager, a leader - these may be conversations that you dread.  Or, if you’ve learned to really use them as an opportunity to connect, they may be conversations you look forward to.

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Sarah Vagley Middleton on Creating a Culture of Service

How do you unlock empathy, learning, and growth, and open new perspectives spark that unlock creativity and innovation through service? It may be easier than you think.  

In this episode, Sarah Middleton, Impact Table Member and Founder and CEO of Mission Up shares about her journey and the simple, yet profound ways we can create a culture of service that sparks innovation, creativity, fulfillment and more.

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

Angela Parker on Recognizing Your Patterns, Disorienting Dilemmas, and Living and Leading Through Courageous Honesty and Vulnerability

How do you recognize your patterns, claim your worth, and inspire others to walk with you? 

In this episode, Angela Parker Co-founder and CEO of Realized Worth, and Impact Table member, shares about her journey in impact and the powerful experiences that led her to build Realized Worth, a global consulting firm focused on delivering transformative volunteer experiences. 

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

The Change-makers Handbook and How to Lead by Being a First Follower with Elena Bondareva

In this episode, Elena Bondareva,  Founder and CEO of Vivit Group Worldwide, a consultancy designed to accelerate the emergence of solutions that will positively shape the coming decades and author of the newly released Change-maker's Handbook joins us on the Impact Table Podcast to share about her own leadership journey and how she's built and designed an intentional leadership path and professional career on being a first follower.  

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Marssie Versola Marssie Versola

How to Lead by Example and Build Movements Through Leveraging Strategic Support, Thoughtful Systems, and Intentional Rhythms

In this episode, Lisa Friscia, President and Founder of Franca Consulting and founding Impact Table member joins Impact Table Creator Marssie Versola for a powerful conversation about leadership, creating cultures of psychological safety and building movements through leveraging strategic support, thoughtful systems and intentional rhythms.

Leadership isn't just about getting things done; it's about inspiring others, cultivating community, and fostering a culture of empowerment. In this episode we talk about the importance of embracing strategic support mechanisms, such as coaching and mentorship, and implementing thoughtful systems and rhythms for yourself and your team, to navigate challenges more effectively while creating cultures of psychological safety and operational rigor that can lighten the burden of social impact work.  

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