Mattering at Work, at Home, and in the World with Jennifer Wallace

Visionary Speaker Session Playback: Mattering at Work, at Home and in the World with Jennifer Wallace
Episode 034

Do you feel unappreciated at work? Are you certain that your team knows they matter?

In this week's episode of the Impact Table Podcast we hear from Jennifer Wallace, award-winning journalist, New York Times best-selling author, and Co-Founder of the Mattering Movement.  Her life's work is centered around a key psychological concept called “mattering” – the personal belief that we are valued and that we add value to the lives of others. 

Jennifer believes that creating cultures of mattering at home, work, and in the larger world as the antidote to the toxic never-enoughness of a culture based in over-achievement, and that one solution to the burnout crisis is be rooted in creating cultures of mattering in the workplace.

During this Visionary Speaker Session playback, we share a powerful conversation covering... 

✨ What is mattering, and why it’s important?

 ⚛️ The brain science behind mattering and what happens to our brains and mental health when our mattering is amplified.

 💫 How do we create that experience and knowing of mattering for ourselves when we aren’t getting it from those around us?

🌎 How do we increase mattering in our organizations and in the teams and organizations we lead or are part of?  
Impact Table Visionary Speaker Sessions are private member and invite-only gatherings that bring respected women leaders in impact to share about their personal leadership and impact journey and important lessons learned along the way. 

Our guests share an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at their own leadership and impact journey and share tips and tools they’ve learned, giving members the ‘real talk’, connection and truth we all crave and inspiration you can take with you on your own path.

Following the speaker’s share is an open Q&A and time for members to break out into small groups.

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