Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone
Episode 014

In this episode, Impact Table Podcast host and Impact Table Creator Marssie Versola shares about her recent two-week road trip from California to Texas and the similarities she found in the epic journey to see the syzygy (that's a fancy scientific word for "total eclipse") and the journey we all forge as leaders in social impact.  

From making the decision to get out of your comfort zone to getting the buy-in of those going with you, having a roadmap and a plan, navigating the nuances between fear and discomfort, believing in what's possible, and more... Marssie shares about the adventure and the learnings we can all use in our journey as mission-driven women leaders.

Some highlights: 

✨ Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone.  Leaving behind your regular routine unlocks new learning, experiences, and inspiration.

πŸ—ΊοΈ Bring a road map and a plan.  Maybe this one's obvious for a road trip, but how often do we go without this type of clarity on our own journey? 
πŸ’« Honor your intuition, and learn the difference between fear and discomfort.  Then, make decisions out of wisdom and data, not fear.

 πŸ™Œ Don't go at it alone.  Surround yourself with others who can help you when you need it.  

🎒 Keep it fun and engaging.  This work can be physically and emotionally exhausting.  Find ways to keep it fun and engaging, to keep learning, to keep growing.  Hold and share the vision of where you’re going - not just the final destination, but the stops and small wins to celebrate along the way. 

πŸŒ– Believe in the possibility.  I'll let you listen in for the story that inspired this learning.  

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