Five Things Every Woman In Social Impact Needs To Stop Doing Now
Consider this week's Impact Table Podcast your permission slip to start moving into the world in a way that's different than what you're used to.
In this episode, we unpack the five things every woman leader in social impact needs to stop, now. And we explore:
💭 How to notice and challenge negative self-talk and limiting beliefs
💸 Why underearning for the sake of doing good has to stop
➿ Why doing all the things for all the people and holding everything together when you are under-resourced is likely getting in the way of your growth and your ability to maximize your impact
✨ How to get out of classic people-pleasing behavior like saying yes when you really mean no, caring too much about other people's reactions, and not communicating your needs
🪢 Why connection, especially, weak ties, are critical to you moving you towards greater impact
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